professional-service FC-10-FVM01-100-02-12 Fortinet FortiGate-VM01 1 Year Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) incl Antivirus, Mobile Malware and FortiGate Cloud Sandbox Service New visibility cached
professional-service FC-10-FG4VM-204-02-36 Fortinet FortiGate-VM04V 3 Year Upgrade FortiCare Premium to Elite (Require FortiCare Premium) New visibility cached
professional-service FC-10-FG1VM-929-02-36 Fortinet FortiGate-VM01V 3 Year Advanced Threat Protection (IPS, Advanced Malware Protection Service, Application Control, and FortiCare Premium) New visibility cached
professional-service FC7-10-FGVVS-589-02-12 Fortinet Subscription License for FortiGate-VM (unlimited CPU) 1 Year FortiGuard Data Loss Prevention Service New visibility cached
professional-service FC-10-FG2VM-248-02-36 Fortinet FortiGate-VM02V 3 Year FortiCare Premium Support New visibility cached
professional-service FC1-10-FGVVS-204-02-60 Fortinet Subscription License for FortiGate-VM (1 CPU) 5 Year Upgrade FortiCare Premium to Elite (Require FortiCare Premium) New visibility cached
professional-service FC-10-FULVM-159-02-60 Fortinet FortiGate-VMULV 5Y FortiGuard OT Sec Serv (OT dashboards and compliance reports OT app and Serv detection OT vulnerability correlatio New visibility cached
professional-service FC-10-FULVM-589-02-12 Fortinet FortiGate-VMULV 1 Year FortiGuard Data Loss Prevention Service New visibility cached
professional-service FC-10-FVM08-189-02-12 Fortinet FortiGate-VM08 1 Year FortiConverter Service for one time configuration conversion service New visibility cached
professional-service FC1-10-FGVVS-175-02-12 Fortinet subscr LIC for FortiGate-VM (1 CPU) 1Y FortiGuard Attack Surface Sec Serv (Sec Compliance and Risk Ratings IoT Detection and IoT Vuln New visibility cached
professional-service FC-10-FVM32-159-02-60 Fortinet FortiGate-VM32 5Y FortiGuard OT Sec Serv (OT dashboards and compliance reports OT app and Serv detection OT vulnerability correlation New visibility cached
professional-service FC3-10-FGVVS-589-02-12 Fortinet Subscription License for FortiGate-VM (4 CPU) 1 Year FortiGuard Data Loss Prevention Service New visibility cached
professional-service FC-10-FVM02-929-02-36 Fortinet FortiGate-VM02 3 Year Advanced Threat Protection (IPS, Advanced Malware Protection Service, Application Control, and FortiCare Premium) New visibility cached
professional-service FC3-10-FGVVS-108-02-36 Fortinet Subscription License for FortiGate-VM (4 CPU) 3 Year FortiGuard IPS Service New visibility cached
professional-service FC-10-FG2VM-159-02-60 Fortinet FortiGate-VM02V 5Y FortiGuard OT Sec Serv (OT dashboards and compliance reports OT app and Serv detection OT vulnerability correlatio New visibility cached
professional-service FC-10-F16VM-159-02-60 Fortinet FortiGate-VM16V 5Y FortiGuard OT Sec Serv (OT dashboards and compliance reports OT app and Serv detection OT vulnerability correlatio New visibility cached